The application period for studies runs from 16 January until 31 August, with the last date of payments on the last day of August. All payments made after this date will not be considered valid, so it is very important that you pay for your tuition fees once you get your invoice.

Please also note that we only have one intake a year – in October.


In order for documents to be considered legal in Poland, we require the latest educational document to be legalised or receive an Apostille (please see the required documents for more information:

An Apostille is a special stamp/sticker that is issued in countries that are party to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, certifying official documents of organizations, institutions and enterprises issued in the country. The Apostille is typically issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country that the document was issued. A document with an Apostille does not require any additional verification or certification, since it is valid in all countries of the Convention.

More information is available here:

To see whether your country issues an Apostille, please check here:

For all countries that do not issue an Apostille, legalisation is required. This is the process where documents are verified and certified by the appropriate Ministries (typically the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in the country that the document was issued, followed by the verification and certification by the Polish Embassy that has jurisdiction over the issuing country. For more information about the legalisation process, please contact the closest Polish Embassy. If you do not know which Polish Embassy to contact, please check this link:

The easiest way to prove that you do have B2 level is by means of an internationally recognised certificate (e.g. TOEFL 87+, IELTS 5.5, FCE- A,B,C). If you completed your education in English and can provide an official statement to this effect, this is sufficient for the application process.

If you do not have any documentation to prove your English level, you can take an English test at Łazarski University before the start of the academic year. If you reach B2 during this test, you will be able to start your studies. If you reach B1+ during this test, then you will be able to start your studies, but you will need to pay and take 90 hours additional English during your first semester in order to reach B2 level by the end of the first semester. If you reach any level lower than B1+ during the test, then you will not be able to start your studies, but will need to enrol for a one year English course – your tuition fees will be used to cover the cost of this, and there will not be an opportunity for a refund.

If you do not yet have B2 level English, then you can also enrol in one of our preparatory courses – please see this link for more information:

Unfortunately, no. We require the payment of the registration fee and at least one semester’s tuition fees in order to issue the supporting documents for your visa application. For language courses, the payment of the registration fee and full amount of your course (as stated on your invoice) is required to issue the supporting documents.

Once you have collected all your documents and chosen your program, you will need to register online, and you will automatically be sent an invoice with the application and tuition fees. You will need to pay the full amount as stated on your invoice, then send the confirmation of payment along with the required documents to your consultant.

Łazarski University’s Admission Team will verify your documents. After your payment has been confirmed and a positive decision is made regarding your application, then you will be informed and you will receive the necessary documents for your visa application. Please keep us updated once you know the outcome of your visa application.

If your application is not accepted, your tuition fees will be returned to you.

No, the tuition fees paid to the university does not include accommodation or meals, but all materials required as part of your program will be made available to you through our lecturers or library, so you will not need to worry about exorbitant textbook fees. We also have catering facilities at the university that allows students to have delicious meals at low prices.

You can check 21 reasons why Łazarski is the perfect place for you here:

The cost of living greatly depends on you, but it is estimated to be between 1130 - 1990 Euro per semester. Costs of living in Warsaw are much lower than in most European cities, with the biggest costs being accommodation, transportation and food. Łazarski University can help you find accommodation (FAQ #6), you can find out more about transportation costs from the Warsaw Transport Authority ( and this link:

We have a separate accommodation department that assists candidates find suitable accommodation in Warsaw. Please find more information about this here:

If you are not sure about booking accommodation in advance, you can stay in a hostel for the first few days after arriving in Warsaw, and then find a more long-term solution whilst here.

Please note that we do not grant accommodation automatically, but you will need to apply for this. The Accommodation Department works on a first-come-first-serve basis, so as soon as you have paid for your tuition fees you are eligible to apply for accommodation, and we urge you to do so as soon as possible. You can get more information regarding this directly from the Accommodation Department.

Please note that our supporting documents for your visa application meet all the requirements of the Polish Embassy, and will only be issued in Polish, but they do contain all the necessary information – you will not need to provide any additional proof of accommodation.

Please note that the supporting document does not guarantee accommodation at Łazarski – you will need to arrange your accommodation by yourself (with the help of our accommodation department – please see FAQ "Do you provide accommodation for students?").

Please note that we can only issue the documentation for your visa application – for all other requirements, you will need to contact the Polish Embassy where you will be applying for your visa directly. Please note that in no circumstances will we be able to contact the Embassy regarding your visa application – we have no jurisdiction nor any influence in this matter. Please contact the Polish Embassy directly with your queries regarding your visa application, appointment, requirements, decision, appeal and all other matters related to your visa application.

Please note that the Polish Embassy is very helpful to legitimate students, and will assist you to the best of their abilities within the limits of their competencies. Most visa refusals are based on lack of additional documentation, and/or the lack of legitimacy of the applicant’s student status.

You can find detailed information about the visa procedure here: and directly from the Polish Embassy where you will need to apply for your visa.

In the unfortunate event of a visa refusal, you will be eligible for a refund of your tuition fees only. Please note that you will need to complete a refund application, and provide us with the official decision from the Polish Embassy. Please allow at least 2 weeks for your tuition fees (minus the application fee) to be returned to you.

Such scenarios are treated on a case by case basis, and you are not guaranteed a refund – you will need to provide sufficient documentation regarding the reason for resignation and the appropriate authorities will be contacted to verify your situation. In the event that a refund will be granted – the amount is to be decided by the appropriate director of the university in accordance with internal university procedures.

Please note that you will be eligible to work part-time on the basis of a student visa ( If you need additional assistance with finding a part-time job, you can visit our Career and Internship Department (room 261) once you have settled down. For additional assistance with immigration or legal issues, you can visit our Student Help Desk (room 35). It is important to remember that your visa is only valid to study, work and live in Poland (not any other European country); and that your primary reason for being in Poland is to study, therefore active participation in university life is required and you may only work part-time.

According to Polish Law, student cards can only be issued to those with the official status of a student. Accordingly, Language Course participants unfortunately do not have this status, and as such cannot get a student card from Łazarski University. We recommend that language course participants contact ISIC ( to enquire about the possibility of obtaining an ISIC card which grants numerous discounts in Warsaw.

Students on BA/MA/MSc studies will get their student cards after signing their agreement with the university, typically during the obligatory organisational meeting, or soon thereafter.

Educational documents issued in some countries are not recognised immediately in Poland, and need to be submitted to the Ministry of Education in Poland for official recognition in a process called Nostrification. You can find more information about this here:

Please note that this needs to be completed by the end of the first semester, and our Student Help Desk will assist you with this process.

Once you graduate, you will receive your degree from Łazarski University, which is issued in accordance with Polish law, and as such is recognized in other countries either under international agreements, or when no such agreement has been concluded with a given country, on the basis of that country's regulations. You can find more information here: or contact your Ministry of Education directly to enquire about the process of recognition.

Students studying a Single Degree Program are eligible to participate in such programs without restrictions – once you arrived at Łazarski University, you will be able to obtain more information directly from the Exchange Students Centre (room 38a).

Students studying a Double Degree Program have more restrictions – the best performing students may have an opportunity to spend one semester at Coventry University in the UK as part of their degree. If a student wishes to participate in the Erasmus Program, they would need to defer their graduation by one year.

These programs are taught exclusively at Łazarski University’s campus in Warsaw, and graduates of these programs receive two degrees - one from Coventry University and the other from Łazarski University. No semesters are spent at Coventry University as part of the general program, but the best performing students may be able to spend a semester at Coventry University as an exchange student – you will be able to obtain more information about this exchange from the Exchange Students Centre (room 38a).

In Poland, international candidates do not automatically obtain Health Insurance, and should organise this by themselves. Please note that you are required to have valid and sufficient Health Insurance for the duration of your studies. Łazarski University can help you apply for Health Insurance, but for some general information, please see this link:

We love Warsaw and Poland, and we hope that you will too – you can find more information about Poland on the official website of Poland:

Of particular interest to you will be ‘Life in Poland’:, ‘Food in Poland’: and ‘Travelling in Poland’: